Greatness In

Featuring of H.H.A Beach, American Musicians’ most loved composer and Nicole Chamberlain currently active in Georgia building world of music

Jun 2022

About The Concert

Greatness In Gentleness

Featuring of H.H.A Beach, American Musicians’ most loved composer and Nicole Chamberlain currently active in Georgia building world of music

o commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the foundation of the Soom Soloists Ensemble, we have prepared a special concert “Greatness in Gentleness” composed of works by two female American composers.

The first two composers chosen by the Soom Soloists Ensemble for this concert were Mrs. H.H.A.Beach, one the of the American Musicians’ most loved composer and Nicole Chamberlain currently active in Georgia, building a mysterious and dynamic world of music.

We invite you to Greatness in Gentleness, a concert featuring the works of two composers reinterpreted in the colors of the Soom Soloist Ensemble, and their lives full of talent and courage.


숨 솔로이스트 앙상블이 창단 2주년을 맞아 두 여성 작곡가의 작품으로 구성된 특별한 음악회 “Greatness in Gentleness”를 마련했습니다.

이 연주회를 위해 숨 솔로이스트 앙상블이 선택한 첫 두 작곡가는 현재 미 음악인들의 사랑을 가장 많이 받고 있는 작곡가 중 한 명인 Mrs. H.H.A.Beach 와 현재 조지아에서 활발히 활동하고 있는 Nicole Chamberlain 입니다.

숨 솔로이스트 앙상블만의 색깔로 재해석되는 두 작곡가의 작품과, 재능이 넘치고 용감한 그들의 삶을 다룰 음악회, Greatness in Gentle에 여러분들을 초대합니다.


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